🎣 Fish What different OS are people running? Always been intrigued by Linux as a forever windows user and im finally trying some out. Ive seen Tails, and Puppy Linux so far. Any recommendations?
Dan Heath macOS. Simply put it does what I need it to. I've played with various Linux distros before but don't have a pragmatic justification for it. If ever there's a specific Linux use case I just use a VM.
4y, 22w 2 replies
🎣 Fish makes sense. I usually always understand why people enjoy the simplicity of macos. It works
4y, 22w 1 reply
Dan Heath I'm all for understanding the benefits of other systems and often read about them and occasionally tinker with to understand how certain features work but when it comes to it 99% of my workflow is catered for already.
4y, 22w reply
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