🧉 Martin Language learning is such a rewarding experience, especially once you reach the stage of being able to freely think and communicate with people in the language. Interestingly, the version of you in another language can deviate a little from the other version(s), providing an opportunity to be a second person (to some degree). As Charlemagne said: "To have a second language is to possess a second soul".
🎲 James York This is a great point, and I have experienced it myself. I also have read articles in the past the posit that the "second language version" of you is more logical and less emotional: scientificamerican...
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Feiss That's my feeling, yup! In my 2nd language I can say things more directly, without shame or fear. It's more logical, almost no emotion there. A very illustrative example is saying "I love you".
4y, 8w reply
🧉 Martin Yeah, it's fascinating. There are even a couple of studies indicating so. I wrote about one in particular in an article about Esperanto, if you're curious: martinrue.com/the-.... If you haven't already seen it, the TED talk (and everything else) from Lera Boroditsky is fascinating too.
4y, 8w reply