🧉 Martin I really appreciate podcast hosts who: 1) Allow guests to speak without interrupting them too often. 2) Don't add noise like "uh-huh, yeah, etc." during the conversation. 3) Are constantly aware of the listening experience and ensure it's smooth. P.S. Can I coin LX now?
Dan Heath Any recommendations for good podcasts on any subject?
🎣 Fish reply all, darknet diaries, ologies with ali ward
🧉 Martin Darknet Diaries looks good, going to check that out, thanks.
Xy can confirm this is a great podcast
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🎣 Fish do you know any with a similar feel to diaries? looking thru tech section but not finding much
4y, 9w 1 reply
Xy maybe try pretendradio.org -- true crime stories about people pretending to be someone else
4y, 9w reply