⌨️ Joseph If any other vimmers are interested in emacs, there is this cool project called Doom emacs that is making the switch much easier for me. github.com/hlissne...
Gil vimmers aren't interested in emacs.
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🐽 Zxh lol, but it's true
4y, 7w reply
🍁 John J. Not many; agreed. But I am considering it: org-mode integration has piqued my interest. (And now this, maybe.)
🐧 Aditya There is a vim-orgmode plugin... Can't comment on how good it is though, I have been procrastinating on installing that for a while now
4y, 7w reply
Gil meh, hours spent to learn 25 keystrokes sequences shortcuts to write notes. not my cup of tea..
4y, 7w 1 reply
⌨️ Joseph But vim is the mark of the beast. /s
4y, 7w reply