🦄 Chip Uni What (if anything) do you listen to while you're programming, or doing work that requires a lot of concentration?
Xy i like having twitch irl streams running in the background that i don't need to pay attention to. it gives me that coffee shop vibe i miss, which i know not everyone enjoys, but works for me.
🧬 Thomas This sounds intriguing. Any particular sorts of streams?
Xy i really enjoy bike touring, so right now i have twitch.tv/hitch in the background. he's cycling across canada, currently on day #19 of a ~3mo journey. i also like twitch.tv/healthygamer_gg who is a harvard trained psychiatrist discussing mental health issues with streamers.
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Joseph Gilmore Have you done much bike touring yourself? Where have you gone? It's something I really want to get into but currently don't have the money for a new bike or equipment.
4y, 9w 1 reply
Xy i have only done one long, unsupported tour around the pacific nw with a group of buddies, but i ride pretty frequently around my current city. once it's easier and safer to travel internationally, my dream is to ride the silk road. i purchased my current touring bike (miyata 1000lt) used for about $500 a decade ago from a really nice guy off craigslist who had ridden it from london to singapore.
4y, 9w reply