📀 Rob Trump vs Biden. Who do you think has got it?
🧔 Justin I have a hard time imagining Trump seeing a second term, but he did win the election last time. Would a Biden presidency even be much better? But voting for a third party is "wasting your vote". Sigh
4y, 23w 7 replies
📀 Rob I completely agree. I strongly feel like we will never see an independent candidate win in the US. We have two choices and depending on which videos you watch it kind of seems like Biden does have some health issues. I can't say that anywhere without people automatically freaking out and saying I am pro trump.
4y, 23w 5 replies
🏕️ Autumn Until we switch to something like ranked-choice voting, we won't get a choice beyond the big two.
4y, 23w 1 reply
😏 Yt L. Even ranked choice voting has the problem that there is a vast number of very complicated things to know to make good votes, and most voters will rationality prefer not to invest the time becoming experts in many topics.
4y, 23w reply
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