🏕️ Autumn How do I report content? Just saw the N word being used as a username. :/
🏒 Lucian Marin Is there a list of offensive English words that I can use?
🎯 Gallium Oxide Save your time and don't bother. Filtered words are already circumvented on other platforms with euphemisms ('jogger' for nigger) or simple character substitutions (e.g. g00k). And as Tyler the Creator famously said, "how the fuck is cyber-bullying real nigga, just look away, just walk away from the screen haha"
🏕️ Autumn Great. I'll walk away from this website if that's the attitude.
😾 Oskar That looks like a job for NLP pipeline. cs.cmu.edu/~biglou...
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☕ David Antoine Took a look a that list and it's incredibly dumb. I'm from Italian descent and I saw the word "Italiano" in that list. Si, sono Italiano! Yes, I'm Italian! How the heck is that offensive? Abuse, adult, Allah, blind, fire, girls and so much more perfectly normal words in that "offensive" list... Really? That's incredibly stupid. And that's the problem when you let demented people decide what's good or bad language.
😾 Oskar I pretty much agree. I don't see a reason to filter anything by any list or even vectors (ml). I didn't even look at the list because pure exact matching is terrible way to do that. Human moderation, especially at current scale of subreply is the best course of action for situations when somebody is just outright stupid-agressive. Anything else - not a problem.
4y, 9w 1 reply
Mihail It's offensive that these words are considered offensive.
4y, 9w 1 reply