🎲 James York Anyone here involved with education? Specifically game-based learning.
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Sergiusz I teach computer-related courses in high-school.
4y, 8w reply
🧔 Justin People say this a really hard space to sell products in because it's either sell to the parents of students who typically don't feel inclined, or sell to a school or district, which is a winner take all type situation. I know this isn't a one-to-one comparable situation, but here's something I think is worth thinking about: I've been picking up the drums recently and I've been using Clone Hero (a Guitar Hero clone for PC that has drum support) as an aid. (1/2)
🎲 James York The drumming example is a good one. In that situation you have a very specific skill and the game itself acts as the tutor/teacher, so in effect you don't need a teacher in a classroom. Their role is totally augmented by the game. I'm interested in classroom base usage of games, and in a 'frugal' educational sense, the use of games that are free or cheap to implement (like paper-based or free browser games).
Leif I gamified version control for software engineering students once. Happy to chat!
4y, 9w 1 reply
🎲 James York I'm imagining something like getting points for committing changes... Something like this? Sounds interesting!
4y, 9w reply
🔭 Geraldo Sturgis High school math teacher here.
🎲 James York Great to meet you! Do you use games in your teaching? I'm only familiar with language teaching personally, but use a number of different games (board and digital).
4y, 9w 1 reply