🦅 Simo What are you working on right now?
💹 Rj love the favicon!
🌪️ Angelino Desmet Haha, thank you! Made it with Inkscape.
🍁 John J. Love it! And the whole site! Hosting a link now. :-) Any plans for an RSS feed?
🌪️ Angelino Desmet Haven't thought about it yet. I also have no idea if that is easily possible since the website is a simple static page hosted with GitHub pages. Moreover, I don't update too frequently (because I don't want average sources). That's why I added a post submit number so you can easily see if new ones got added. That's how I keep up to date with other blogs, I just check 'em. I try to keep notification to the minimum to avoid distractions.
4y, 8w 1 reply
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🍁 John J. Completely fair, on all points. Thanks for all the work!
4y, 8w reply