Ganesh Khade What do you recommend, Vim, Sublime Text or VS Code for a newbie? I used to recommed VS Code, but everyone I recommend complained about, how slow it was than Sublime Text.
🤘 Jasko vs code hands down, and atom otherwise. if you're new, you don't need to be dropping $$ for a text editor imo. VIM after that.
Ganesh Khade I found out, VS Code runs better on Mac OS somehow but not so on other systems, Elementary OS. Also, developers in developing countries tend to have, less powerful systems.
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🤘 Jasko Makes sense. One day I hope to recommend this, but it's not quite ready (last time I tried):
4y, 9w 1 reply
☝️ Jean-David Moisan Same here. In the meantime, it's nice to see their pull requests trickling in every day.
4y, 9w reply