🦄 Chip Uni Lots of us here are programmers. What's your favorite programming language, and why?
Re You can tell the site was made by a white male due to no reporting system
4y, 23w 13 replies
Mihail Actually, it's a sign that the site was made outside of USA.
4y, 23w 1 reply
🌚 Nlggers It's funny that you mention that. My observation in the early 2000s was that websites that typically restricted freedom of expression were companies outside of the USA. For example Daily Motion (French) tended to have a harsher attitude towards content it deemed inappropriate. Once the American site YouTube came to exist in many ways it broke with the heavier censorship seen on Daily Motion. Now (as you noted in your post) the opposite appears to be the case.
4y, 23w reply
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