Ice If you could, how would you personally improve the UX of this site?
🤙 Adam 99 Maybe a way to like things?
4y, 23w 22 replies
Ice I feel that, but I think one of the core ideas of this site was the lack of popularity scores (likes, followers, shares etc)
4y, 23w 5 replies
🤙 Adam 99 Yeah I think that's awesome - maybe a different kind of feature that I can use to quickly let the poster know I appreciated their post
4y, 23w 4 replies
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☕ Christopher I think you are still kind of missing the point. The absence of popularity counters aren't for the sole reason of obfuscating if a person or their post is well received or popular. There's also a culture that this site is trying to attract that is against the detrimental idea of deriving self-esteem and shots of serotonin that's associated with social praise. Our main source of validation should not be coming from strangers on the internet.
4y, 23w 3 replies
🤔 David A platform like this which only shows reply counts is something I'd prefer, similar to some of the early php boards where you knew who was active based on post count
4y, 23w 1 reply
👉 LÊo I completely agree with what you're saying, but I still think there should be space for a "reaction" feature. I am thinking something like github, but do not make the counters public
4y, 23w reply