Erik R. This is either going to be Reddit for very smart people, or Twitter for the alt right. Let's see which way it goes.
😾 Oskar Is HN crowd alt-right? I see frustration brewing there often, but it's more of a 'I'm stuck at coding embedded sys for oil company at 240k/yr' kind of a thing than 'I hate poor people'
4y, 23w 7 replies
Jayden I would say that a low percentage of HN is alt right but that both HN and the alt right are largely overly online young men. The thing is you don't need much political extreme to start a landslide in one direction. Things are a little more X here than elsewhere, some people that don't like that leave, some people that do like that show up because of it, things are even more X, repeat.
4y, 23w 3 replies
😾 Oskar Wasn't there some Taleb essay about 4% of population being extremist enough to make whole nation extremist? Seems very intuitive if thought in context of network science. Explains why Twitter turned into pretty much private network of already well connected people.
4y, 23w 2 replies
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Mihail Yes. It's a recurring theme in his books.
4y, 23w reply
Jayden Iirc his argument was that if 4% of the population cares a lot about something being a certain way and 96% of the population doesn't care either way, then the 4% will get their way.
4y, 23w reply