🏎️ Bake testing - I like the idea of no-frills social media
👉 Léo I miss the upvote button and being able to see more than one level of comments in a single page. Regardless, I've been having a great experience so far (i.e., past 10 minutes)
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😸 Iaroslav Why do you like upvote/like/whatever ? What kind of information does it provide ?
4y, 9w 1 reply
👉 Léo Hi! In my opinion that kind of feature provides a less cumbersome way of saying "I agree". It provides a way to gage the general consensus in any given topic. I'm not saying that it is perfect. It is not a perfect tool and it has to be implemented carefully, but I believe it has value. As an example, I believe that what reddit does with user "karma" has a net negative effect.
4y, 9w reply
Rsm I hated the up/down vote option in some social media. Not my cup of tea.
4y, 9w 1 reply
👉 Léo Yeah, I'm not a fan of the downvote button. And the upvoting is not the perfect tool either
4y, 9w reply
🌮 Hejo I am happy about the missing like-function. It encourages to type more rather than sending an empty 'like'.
👉 Léo That's a good point. I personally like the HN approach of having an upvote button, but no downvote. I wonder how comments are sorted here, or if they are sorted at all. Also, I just realized there is no "report" button.
4y, 9w 1 reply