🍵 Neo I just stumbled across this community... seems like a combination of Reddit and Twitter without the concept of upvotes or likes. I think this may contribute to a healthier type of community. Anyone feel the same?
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😀 Tom Sometimes I miss the ability to "like" where I just want to acknowledge a comment without having to reply, but yes I do agree.
4y, 14w 3 replies
☕ David Antoine Yeah, I wouldn't mind the return of the like button and you don't even need a counter, it would just display a "liked" as soon as a post or reply receives one. And that's it, no "quantity" counter. Just for the appreciation. But not a big deal... I'd like it though (pun intended)...
4y, 14w 2 replies
💻 Kernel Definitely. Communities start losing some of their value/upsides when they become big... I think spaces like these are really precious these days. Big centralized social networks should become a thing of the past, as we have gathered enough proof that it's not something sustainable in a lot of ways. I hope an internet of small federated communities is the future.
4y, 15w reply