🤔 John I've been super happy with my iPhone SE after moving from android this spring, and I'm considering treating myself to a MacBook for Christmas. I would love to hear opinions from the Sublevel community. I understand that performance per $ is lower than mid-level windows laptops, but I'm wondering if longevity and productivity make up for it?
👽 Paul Webb I have the latest MacBook Pro and while I like several things about it, I would not recommend it because of the keyboard. You will get used to typing on it but *tiny* specks of dust or whatever can get in but not out. It's hella irritating.My B button is stuck
6y, 39w 1 reply
🤔 John Hmm, the keyboard is a big sticking point for me. Thinking seriously about picking up the last of the 2015's at a pretty reasonable price. 16gb / 256gb i5 for $1250.
6y, 39w reply
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