💬 Subreply Sublevel for iPhone (itunes.apple.com/u...) is back on the App Store. Monochrome browser (itunes.apple.com/u...) is also available on MAS. Monochrome has gained tabs thanks to macOS Sierra.
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Eliot Landrum Hey! New user here.... is Sublevel app coming back?
6y, 39w 1 reply
💬 Subreply It will be back when Apple approves the new app.
6y, 39w reply
🤔 John Awesome, I never bothered to sign in to sublevel on mobile safari.
6y, 47w reply
👽 Paul Webb It would be great if there was 1Password integration. Using the iOS app now.
6y, 47w 1 reply
💬 Subreply Will look into it...
6y, 47w reply