Randoming Ugh.. I really don't know if I can handle another five years of Tory government. Might be time to start making alternative plans... independent.co.uk/...
Mark Dain A world leader in regulation? Is that really something to be proud of or aspire to?
7y, 16w 4 replies
Randoming Utterly delusional... Looking forward to figuring out new ways to circumvent the Great Firewall of Britain.
7y, 16w 3 replies
Mark Dain I guess a good start would be to VPN to another country? I use Private Internet Access; my VPN terminates in Texas. On top of that you'd need clean DNS records, I prefer OpenDNS but Google DNS is also popular. Then, add some icing on the cake; EFF's HTTPS Everywhere plugin forces SSL for sites that have SSL but don't default to it (e.g. Only redirect to SSL for a login but the server supports it for everything). Of course, truly circumventing would rely on us knowing what sort of restrictions they actually want to implement.
7y, 16w 2 replies
Randoming Yeah I use AirVPN myself and their own DNS servers to keep things hidden. The concern I have with the Tories is they'll try do something stupid like try to ban encryption or VPNs down the line.
7y, 15w 1 reply
Mark Dain I can't see that happening though - businesses will kick up as they all use VPNs and every financial institution uses encryption. The way I see it, the more we fight to get encryption everywhere (e.g. Let's Encrypt made SSL free and easier), the more we can assert that security is here to stay
7y, 15w reply
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