Randoming Ugh.. I really don't know if I can handle another five years of Tory government. Might be time to start making alternative plans... independent.co.uk/...
Mark Dain A world leader in regulation? Is that really something to be proud of or aspire to?
7y, 15w 4 replies
Randoming Utterly delusional... Looking forward to figuring out new ways to circumvent the Great Firewall of Britain.
7y, 15w 3 replies
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Mark Dain I guess a good start would be to VPN to another country? I use Private Internet Access; my VPN terminates in Texas. On top of that you'd need clean DNS records, I prefer OpenDNS but Google DNS is also popular. Then, add some icing on the cake; EFF's HTTPS Everywhere plugin forces SSL for sites that have SSL but don't default to it (e.g. Only redirect to SSL for a login but the server supports it for everything). Of course, truly circumventing would rely on us knowing what sort of restrictions they actually want to implement.
7y, 14w 2 replies
Randoming Yeah I use AirVPN myself and their own DNS servers to keep things hidden. The concern I have with the Tories is they'll try do something stupid like try to ban encryption or VPNs down the line.
7y, 14w 1 reply