Etc Also funny that the slowest thing that loads is people's profile pictures
🏒 Lucian Marin Profile pictures are JPEGs at 240x240px, 85% quality, progressive with no chroma subsampling. Yes, they are pretty big for simple avatars but they are cached by your browser. Almost 1.75x bigger on average than normal JPEG settings of 75% quality and strong chroma subsampling. I guess quality matters too, not just speed.
7y, 22w 7 replies
Mark Dain Are you using Immutable? That may help: (supported by at-least Chrome and Firefox, if not more)
7y, 22w 1 reply
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🏒 Lucian Marin I used expires directive in nginx, but now I changed to add_header. It's much more flexible. Thanks for your help.
7y, 22w reply