Mark Dain Today I'm writing documentation on Linux for my coworkers as we're finally moving off Windows Server. Our platform has no more Windows specific components due to some recent work so it's onwards with switching. Need to setup some training sessions later this week for getting people used to Debian (command line). Any tips? Has anyone taught Linux before?
Kodo I think it's pretty intuitive. my 2 year old has arch linux on her laptop
7y, 22w 3 replies
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Mark Dain Dear god, did she set it up herself? I saw this little girl, maybe 7, playing a masterpiece on a piano at the train station once with hundreds of people watching. It was impressive. She got clapping and cheering when she finished playing. To protect my ego from absolutely being shattered, I reminded myself she's not Zend certified. I then went home and saw a Hacker News post where someone made a working digital clock in Conway's Game of Life. Now it turns out your two year old can use Arch (I can't). I'm the dumbest person on the planet.
7y, 22w 2 replies
Kodo In all fairness it's actually Manjaro and I installed it for her. she just uses it.
7y, 22w reply
👽 Paul Webb HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "She's not Zend certified" LOL
7y, 22w reply