Paul Khris I want to follow more people.
Mark Dain Im following most of the active or new users so perhaps you could go through my list and follow anyone that seems interesting: sadly, Sublevel isn't as big as I wish it were
7y, 44w 8 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin Go big and then fail like Facebook and Twitter failed us this year with Brexit and Trump? I don't want that. I'll pick quality over quantity every day.
7y, 44w 6 replies
Mark Dain How exactly did Facebook and Twitter fail us? If you mean being an echo chamber that's nearly impossible to avoid. You can't be truly unbaised.
7y, 44w 4 replies
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🏒 Lucian Marin Because you can't stop a fake story on Facebook and Twitter. The echo chamber gets bigger and there's no way to pop out that bubble. Any comment on Sublevel has real weight attached to it. That weight means something. If I say to someone on Facebook and Twitter that they are wrong, nobody listens to me. There's no weight there.
7y, 44w 3 replies
Mark Dain How should they stop fake stories? There's a very thin line between that and censorship.
7y, 44w 2 replies