Hi, Just Joined.
Mark Dain Apparently I'm something like 10,000 in line to join gab.ai -- seems like this week's hot new social network. Here's to freedom of speech & no censorship! It'll probably fizzle out though like Ello did
Paul Khris who's Ello?
7y, 35w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin Go big and then fail like Facebook and Twitter failed us this year with Brexit and Trump? I don't want that. I'll pick quality over quantity every day.
Paul Khris Is it really Trumps fault..it sounds so bizzarre!?
7y, 35w reply
Mark Dain The "like" button is also hidden behind the reply link. But anyway, enough meta talk -- tell us about yourself!
Paul Khris I am a Londoner so i got little to say..just joking. Searching out the 'social media' out of curiosity right now. Not in my twenties any more.
7y, 35w 1 reply
Paul Khris Right i just found it, under the replier of course, what a thought pattern interrupt.
7y, 36w reply ¬
Mark Dain Im following most of the active or new users so perhaps you could go through my list and follow anyone that seems interesting: sublevel.net/ancar... sadly, Sublevel isn't as big as I wish it were
Paul Khris did you reply to me, or another person? Thanks anyway for the list you offered. How big is it here then?
7y, 36w reply
Paul Khris I am not sure how to reply yet, is there a button on here or anything else for that matter?
Mark Dain The "like" button is also hidden behind the reply link. But anyway, enough meta talk -- tell us about yourself!
7y, 36w 2 replies
Paul Khris I want to follow more people.
Mark Dain Im following most of the active or new users so perhaps you could go through my list and follow anyone that seems interesting: sublevel.net/ancar... sadly, Sublevel isn't as big as I wish it were
7y, 36w 8 replies
Paul Khris Well hello all.
7y, 37w reply ¬