Martijn Tonight I showed how new I am to this whole cooking thing. Thankfully there was one more piece of cheesecake in my fridge.
Haaktu As my mother used to say: start with eggs.
Martijn Everyone always brings up eggs, but I don't for the life of me know how to crack those.
Xasasfdasfd Wash hands. Hold over bowl, whack with the back of a knife. Stick thumbs in crack, open egg, drop in bowl. Pick out any pieces of shell you dropped in the egg. There are fancier ways, but this one is easy to learn. A little shell won't hurt you. New York Times cookbook has something like 3 pages on "how to scramble an egg" - I found it a good start when I was learning decades ago. It was the right amount of detail for an engineering mentality.
Martijn My mysophobia kicks in hard at "stick thumbs in crack", which is the main issue here.
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Mark Dain I've never put my fingers inside the egg, I just put them on both sides of the crack and gently pull it apart. The egg yolk will then fall. I could probably explain easier if I shot a little video to show you. Then I'd have to buy eggs...
Martijn I've tried that and never been able to pull it off. I would just much rather skip the eggs at this point.