Xasasfdasfd Just counted, I'm up to nine screens on my desk. This is absurd.
Mark Dain What? Post a photo I need to see this!
8y, 11w 9 replies
Xasasfdasfd Mac Pro, iMac, 2nd screen on iMac, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPad Air, Dell XPS, Chromebook, phone. Buried in code ATM, I'll try to get a photo up later.
8y, 11w 8 replies
Mark Dain Ah ok. I thought you meant 9 screens attached to 1 system! Lots of Macs and 3 iPads; Are you doing iOS development? Always great to carry on as a hobby
8y, 11w 7 replies
Xasasfdasfd Went to Macs when I got fed up with Microsoft years ago. Spent a lot of time writing Rails code, boss fired the iOS dev and I got stuck doing maintenance. Hate, hate, hate every moment I have to spend with XCode or an iPad. As soon as my notice is up, I'll be getting rid of the iPads. Moving life & work to Linux systems. Done with Apple and its walled gardens.
8y, 11w 6 replies
Mark Dain Fair enough. What are you going to do when you move to Linux?
8y, 11w 5 replies
Asko P. Elementary OS is beautiful
8y, 11w 3 replies
Mark Dain Beautiful, perhaps but I'm not remotely productive in Elementary. If we're recommending distros, I'd say Ubuntu for beginners and Debian for those comfortable with Linux. Although I think already has a distro and isn't looking for one so I have to wonder why you bring it up?
8y, 11w 2 replies
Asko P. Oh, thought that'd be a good place to promote the only distro I like, and would use. Didn't know he already was had one.
8y, 11w reply
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