I make things. Founder of webspot.xyz and co-founder of charge.ee.
Asko P.
Oh, thought that'd be a good place to promote the only distro I like, and would use. Didn't know he already was had one.
8y, 20w
Mark Dain
Fair enough. What are you going to do when you move to Linux?
expect to be working and thus home the whole summer. If you want to meet up when you hit the Netherlands, let me know!
Asko P.
Going on an Eurotrip starting July 12. Estonia > Latvia > Lithuania > Poland > Germany > The Netherlands > Belgium > France > Spain > Italy. All by hitchhiking and/or cheap trains. Going to be awesome!
8y, 20w
3 replies
But what if my clients use ancient browsers and do not support SNI!? </sarcasm>
Asko P.
Give them this link: caniuse.com/#feat=sni or charge $$ for upgrading their browser. </not sarcasm> </real talk>
8y, 21w
Asko P.
To quote Borat; "Great success!" - blog.webspot.xyz/a...
8y, 21w
3 replies
Asko P.
Just leaving this here to all those who love Donald Trump - theoatmeal.com/com...
8y, 21w
1 reply
Asko P.
Apple changed OS X into macOS? Not only that, but it names the first macOS after a cheap and awfully crap Ford car?
8y, 21w
Mark Dain
Ok this is bullshit. Apple seems to have pulled the ability to install any program on your Mac. Now only App Store and Identified Developers are allowed: macrumors.com/2016...
Going to leave this one link here, as MetaFilter is one of the least poisonous places on the internet and the comments will not make you sick. metafilter.com/160...
Both of those seem to require I switch my domain to them if I want to use their nameservers? Hmm...
My domain is coming up for renewal and I want to move to a better DNS provider. Any tips? I am currently paying them to provide DNS/nameservers but they still aren't IPv6 ready. ip6.nl/#!licit.li
Hard to "show" it, as such. First there are separate gender and sexual identities. You can also have a different *-sexual from *-romantic (eg. biromantic heterosexual). Discussions about differences between bi-, omni-, and pan-, prefixes. Discussions about what is and is not a gender. Cis- prefix. Pronouns. Not to mention people who describe themselves having several as each. I don't mind if you want to do that. It does not affect me in any way. I am just questioning if it is helpful for anyone, including those who do it.
8y, 21w
2 replies
Mark Dain
Thanks, I just sent you an email. I was about to send it to support@webspot.xyz
Mark Dain
Wow! Thank you so much that's really nice of you!! :D