Asko P. What do you guys think of this signup page design?
Martijn Do you really need two fields to ask for a name?
8y, 28w 10 replies
Asko P. Yes, in that I need to know what is the first and the last name.
8y, 28w 9 replies
Martijn What if I only have one? Is "last" my family name or the name that is written last? Some more questions like that are put forward in the article I linked. I am a stickler for this as I have an easy, ASCII writable, European name and software still messes up capitalisation when they make me put my family name in a separate field.
8y, 28w 8 replies
Asko P. Having an O in my last/family name makes a lot of software also mess up and use O instead. I don't have a middle name, just first and last, but in case I use one input, how would I know how to split it up into a use case where I need to display "Hello, John!"?
8y, 28w 4 replies
Mark Dain Full name and Display name? Perhaps with an auto fill of the first word when they setup the account? I'd probably use my handle for display :P
8y, 28w reply
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