Nkrs You can tell the elections are getting closer by increase in the aggressiveness of house visits by activists. First once a month, then once a week, now every day... Same political party, two new faces each time, pen and clipboard with names of everyone in the building. It starts to feel like with each "no" to their "will you vote for our party?" the time until their next visit gets shorter. And these guys call themselves progressive. Idiots.
Mark Dain "He'll cave eventually... Bump it up to two subliminal message doses a day". Stop answering the door, nkrs!
8y, 24w 2 replies
Nkrs I've been against their party's politics since they formed in 2008. If they think they can change my opinion of them by annoying me or someone from my household for 15 seconds every day, they're bigger idiots than I give them credit for.
8y, 24w 1 reply
😀 Tom You could say you're a felon and not allowed to vote. Not sure if they'll take you off their lists or aell that data though.
8y, 24w reply
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