Simon Janes Over a decade ago, decided Apple was "too evil." Dropped it like a hot potato. Every once in a while, I see headlines like this: and just say to myself... "Yup. That seems to be expected."
Mark Dain People say the device bricks if Touch ID has been replaced, which I can understand. That component may be all that's in the way of an attacker and your financial information; things like Apple Pay are often behind Touch ID activation. However, people in the comments are saying even getting the screen replaced can brick your phone (something I have done). I can't safely upgrade without buying a new phone. Wtf?
8y, 43w 2 replies
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😀 Tom I wonder what would happen then if someone had an in-warranty iPhone with a working screen, swapped it, bricked it, then reinstalled the original screen and made sure there was no physical evidence of tampering.
8y, 43w 1 reply
Mark Dain if it's in warranty, Apple would probably replace it
8y, 43w reply