🏒 Lucian Marin -- check if it's possible to add photo albums to Sublevel.
Mark Dain You just post a link, right? There's no support for photo albums ... Yet?
8y, 49w 9 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin It's just a public reminder based on 's idea: #19001. I really should investigate the possibility. Photos won't appear on home feed, but inside an album -- your album. I just want high quality stuff here, not the every day Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram garbage images. It will probably will be a paid feature or enabled only for photographers. I can make an Instagram clone, but I don't think it will last too much. Anyway, it's hard to maintain two sites at once and I don't want to give up on Sublevel. All I want is the possibility to post my best photographs in a cool place.
8y, 49w 8 replies
John Olinda What if it was a rolling set of pictures? So after you reach the maximum number, old ones are deleted. That would prevent it from taking too much space on the server as well. Maybe sixteen per user? Then people can add photos to their portfolio as often as they want while it's still presented neatly. Not an endless stream.
8y, 49w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I think a rolling set of pictures will be good only for . But for profiles a gallery or album will work better.
8y, 49w 1 reply
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Mark Dain is a profile but is the /explore/ page? That seems like a bug?
8y, 49w reply