🏒 Lucian Marin -- check if it's possible to add photo albums to Sublevel.
Mark Dain You just post a link, right? There's no support for photo albums ... Yet?
8y, 49w 9 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin It's just a public reminder based on 's idea: #19001. I really should investigate the possibility. Photos won't appear on home feed, but inside an album -- your album. I just want high quality stuff here, not the every day Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram garbage images. It will probably will be a paid feature or enabled only for photographers. I can make an Instagram clone, but I don't think it will last too much. Anyway, it's hard to maintain two sites at once and I don't want to give up on Sublevel. All I want is the possibility to post my best photographs in a cool place.
8y, 49w 8 replies
😀 Tom Maybe rate limit the ability to post pictures? Also, NEVER do any "sharing" ability like Facebook; that perpetuates crap. I think if you rate limit the ability, you don't need to restrict it based on hobby/profession (like photography). Sure you could monetize it (I understand that), or maybe just monetize the ability to post more than the standard rate limit. If it wasn't related to my profession (ie advertising), I probably wouldn't pay to post any images. Edit: Maybe the rate limit could be once per week, and then once per day (23 hours, gives a window to post around the same time each day) for paying users or photographers.
8y, 49w 1 reply
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🏒 Lucian Marin I am more obsessed how and where to displayed them. But since messages replaced mentions, photos can replace likes. I think username/likes pages are pretty useless -- I know I never visited one ever. While username/photos can really make profiles a lot more interesting, especially for those who don't have much to say.
8y, 49w reply