Mark Dain There's a lot of things I'd like to do next year, which includes making vlogs, which I'm pretty new to. Would like feedback on my first shot at this: (includes subtitles if you find my voice hard to listen to!)
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Chris Gower I had a go at making a vlog. I've been blogging since 2002, so I thought it would be a simple extension of this process. But it really is something else isn't it? There is quite a process behind creating a really good vlog. Do you watch a lot of other vlogs?
8y, 36w 1 reply
Mark Dain Not too many, but I did recently start watching SuperCarlinBrothers who do some vlogging on top of general videos/entertainment. NigaHiga and Veritasium do the odd vlogging video too. I watch a lot of YouTube but never had the urge to do videos myself. Mostly doing vlogging as I'd like to get better at video and speaking more clearly (I find it harder than writing for getting my thoughts across)
8y, 36w reply
😀 Tom Do you think the "play number" of your videos will influence your vlog? Something you might consider to make your videos more enjoyable for both yourself and whomever might watch would be to think about the lighting, moving the camera up to eye level, and the background. This is your hobby, and I'm by no means an expert, but if you think this is something you want to do, find a way to make it enjoyable for you to do (otherwise you risk it becoming monotonous and eventually quit). Good first video.
8y, 37w 2 replies
Mark Dain Thanks for the advice, yeah I'll try to make them interesting if I can. As of the play count, it would help but for the meantime, at-least, there's already an effect where I've tidied up my house incase I ever film inside
8y, 37w 1 reply