Chris Gower Hi Sublevel, what is everyone doing for Christmas? Going away? Staying at home?
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Tingk will be celebrating Christmas at my in-laws
8y, 38w reply
Nkrs Staying at home, most likely studying: there's a rumour about an exam the day after.
8y, 39w 2 replies
Chris Gower Sad times about the exam. What are you studying?
8y, 39w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin I'm going to my parents' home. Just so I can eat the best food in the entire known Universe. Maybe I get a present or two -- wishful thinking.
8y, 39w 1 reply
Chris Gower Same here. Why does 'home' food taste so good? :)
8y, 39w reply
😀 Tom I don't know yet. I'm 6 hours away from home by car, but I'm a student at the US's FAA Academy learning to be an air traffic controller and I'm not sure if I can spare the time away from studying.
8y, 39w 1 reply
Chris Gower That is an intense course (looked in to it myself years ago). Good luck, hope you get some festive time over the season!
8y, 39w reply
Dorcas Staying at home with coffee by my side, and some nagging from mum.
8y, 39w reply
Martijn Staying at home. Probably eating soup, although I heard someone mention pizza.
8y, 39w reply