Martijn Apparently Apple is prioritising Linux over Windows for their open-source Swift release. That is interesting.
Nkrs They say Linux, but their site only has packages for Ubuntu.
8y, 44w 5 replies
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Mark Dain It seems most people see Linux = Ubuntu. Very similar to these Chrome only websites that keep cropping up
8y, 43w reply
Martijn I wonder how hard it would be to build on other distros. The rumours are they want to focus on servers, and I do not believe Ubuntu is very big in the server world. My host uses CentOS, I think.
8y, 44w 3 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for Sublevel.
8y, 44w reply
Nkrs Maybe not hard, but a lot of work. From what I understood, to compile the Swift compiler, I'd have to have the Clang compiler which uses LLVM, and the CMake build system. I'm guessing someone will make it work with GCC and GNU Make eventually, but right now it seems like too big ceremony to install one compiler and build system just to be able to compile another.
8y, 44w 1 reply