Martijn Apparently Apple is prioritising Linux over Windows for their open-source Swift release. That is interesting.
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Mark Dain Not that surprising. I think there's two angles: OS X is closer to Linux than Windows (Darwin is BSD based) so porting is probably easier but secondly, I think Apple likes the idea of Swift on the server; shared models for your iOS/OS X app; frontend and backend?
8y, 40w reply
Nkrs They say Linux, but their site only has packages for Ubuntu.
8y, 40w 5 replies
Martijn I wonder how hard it would be to build on other distros. The rumours are they want to focus on servers, and I do not believe Ubuntu is very big in the server world. My host uses CentOS, I think.
8y, 40w 3 replies
Mark Dain It seems most people see Linux = Ubuntu. Very similar to these Chrome only websites that keep cropping up
8y, 40w reply