Martijn "Over 40% of WordPress installations are on PHP 5.2 or 5.3 and according to W3Techs' PHP statistics ~52% of all PHP servers use a version older than PHP 5.4." --
Mark Dain PHP 5.2 is from 2006. It's stuff like this that gives PHP a bad reputation; it's next to impossible to build great stuff with 5.2 as your baseline. Not to mention the security holes! What a mess :(
8y, 27w 6 replies
Nkrs It's not PHP's problem per se, but rather problem of hosts who don't update to the newer versions. But then, if they did update often, there would be many broken websites due to breaking changes between versions; since many people are not programmers, they could lose their site if they don't know how to make the update.
8y, 27w 4 replies
Mark Dain I didn't say it was PHP's fault; it just gives PHP a bad reputation as some ignorant developer looks at 5.2 and thinks it's what PHP is. Try looking at 5.6, things have gotten much better
8y, 27w 3 replies
Nkrs I didn't say it was either, but rather that there's an entire pyramid of dependence. PHP's devs make changes from version to version, some of them being ones that can potentially break existing code, Linux package maintainers also get their fingers in there (e.g. in one version Debian guys changed the JSON parser to a GPL one and broke people's code), and app developers in the end need to know what works where and how it affects their code. There's no clean upgrade path for PHP, and hosts aren't upgrading to prevent losing their users.
8y, 27w 2 replies
Martijn What makes you say there is no clean upgrade path? Usually PHP does not break functions within a major release version, and functions are clearly marked as deprecated before being removed in a future version. They also publish clear changelogs (even for patch versions) with issue numbers for the bug discussions as well as migration guides between major versions ( Saying there is no clean upgrade path sounds ignorant, if you work with PHP you should know about these resources.
8y, 27w 1 reply
Nkrs If you're managing a small code base where all code is yours, and if you've followed versions by number, then I agree, it's very easy to follow along. If you depend on external libraries whose internals you don't know entirely, or you've missed a version of PHP or two, or even if you get your PHP from your Linux distribution where maintainers can package it differently between two versions, it might be slightly harder to upgrade. Maybe my perspective on the issue is off, but I did burn my fingers with host updating PHP and code breaking because Debian guys removed the JSON extension in the PHP package as it was not GPL.
8y, 27w reply
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