Nkrs I did an experiment on my group of friends. I figured out that they were only interested in hanging out with me if they needed something from me, and the only times we were seeing each other besides that is when I was the one to make first contact. I stopped sending messages and calling them, and after 8 months of silence, one of them sent me a message - you guessed it - because she needed a favour. I don't know how we were friends to begin with.
Mark Dain Aw that sucks. You might find this funny: youtu.be/oUZFuS0c0Ak I also try to cut people out of my life who just want things from me all the time. It will mean a smaller group of friends, but they're actually dependable.
6y, 39w 1 reply
Nkrs This was the smaller group of friends to me. Now I'm left with nothing. Perhaps it's time to start fresh.
6y, 39w reply
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