Nkrs Today I made a very small program in Java that removes unnecessary files from backups we use for data migration that's basically just a progress bar and one button that lets the user pick the directory to clean up, and it felt good. Sorry other languages, I'm a sucker for these tiny single-utility applications, especially if they sport a GUI, and it's so easy to make them with Java.
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🦿 Lucian Marin I usually do command line tools with Python for this sort of things. It's easy to parse arguments, display a progress bar and things like that.
6y, 44w 1 reply
Nkrs Python is great for scripts and I would have used it if possible, but this is for Windows machines that are equipped to run Java apps and don't have Python installed. Maybe I could look into Jython or JRuby so that I could write these programs in a nicer language and still get an executable that can be opened with a double-click.
6y, 44w reply