Mark Dain What's everyone up to these days? Working on anything cool? I'm building a new website to host my resume/portfolio and a blog. I have something to show later this week, as right now there isn't much but it's live on a test URL.
Nkrs Fixing old .NET applications at work and teaching myself assembly at home.
7y, 10w 2 replies
Mark Dain Assembly? Damn, do you have a blog or some commentary on this? I'd love to hear more
7y, 10w 1 reply
Nkrs Not at the moment; I don't have much spare time these days (8 hour work + 3 1/2 hour commute). The reason that I'm brushing up on assembly is because I'm interested in doing a small VM for my language (or at least a way to compile it by generating assembly code).
7y, 10w reply
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