John Olinda The Christmas tree is up and I'm testing out Linux distributions. Life's good.
Nkrs I'm planning to do some distro shopping when I take a couple of days off from work in December. Although I'm set on trying a couple of specific distros, I'd like to hear how things went for you.
7y, 22w 3 replies
John Olinda I'm checking out Void Linux right now, although wireless not working out of the box is not great. I don't mind tinkering, but I also don't want to fool with that on my daily driver. Right now I'm leaning heavily toward Manjaro. I'm also exploring different window managers. I tried Enlightenment for the first time, and I'm intrigued by it, but LXQT is also very nice.
7y, 22w 2 replies
Nkrs Haven't heard of Void Linux; I'll give it a look. I'm planning to try out the BunsenLabs distro which is based on the deprecated CrunchBang distro that I'm currently using, and if that doesn't play out as I expect, I'd like to try out Arch. Although it is not a Linux distro, OpenBSD is another interesting option, but I've heard it requires a lot of work to set it up correctly, and I'm not that good at sysadmin stuff to give it a try.
7y, 22w 1 reply
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John Olinda Yeah, BunsenLabs is on the list *moment of silence for CrunchBang* but I'm very impressed with Manjaro. It's sort of the Linux Mint of Arch. OpenBSD fascinates me as well, but it would be far too much work to be my daily driver. If you like CrunchBang, Manjaro i3 is an interesting distribution. Right now I'm looking at BunsenLabs as the Debian contender, Manjaro LXQT as the Arch contender, and Void LXQT as the third-party candidate.
7y, 22w reply