Nkrs Go 1.7 has been released (golang.org/doc/go1.7). This is perhaps the one piece of software where I'm excited about reading the release notes: there's always something improved. This time it is faster compilation and execution, along with smaller binaries.
Mark Dain The smaller binary note is good! I heard the binary size has increased almost every version.
7y, 39w 1 reply
Nkrs For this project that I'm running locally (searchable database of music in my collection; uses packages for HTTP, JSON and image manipulation) the build time has dropped from 2,3-2,5 seconds to 1,5-1,6 seconds, and binary size dropped from 11.6MB to 9.7MB. I'm going to try using the builtin HTTP/2 support when I can devote a bit more time as there's some setup required, but I think it will be a helpful boost given that this application can load a lot of images.
7y, 39w reply
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