👽 Paul Webb I love that I can use GitHub as a file upload site, lol cloud.githubuserco... This is what I have sketched so far. Speaking in a Slack group about the influx of new users back lack of engagement, I started thinking of how to solve that. Every social network feels great from the beginning, when there aren't that many people using it. When it grows, existing users don't like it and stop posting as much if at all. The private groups you can easily switch to would solve that, I think.
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Martijn Mastodon offers the "private groups" in a way that an instance can have their own rules for who gets to sign-up, and you always have an activity feed local to the specific instance. E.g. Sublevel could have been a Mastodon instance that we all like communicating on, and then we can follow people we know from other instances without having to leave our own. Kevin Marks even published a tool today that helps you find an instance where the local feed interests you: known.kevinmarks.c...
7y, 2w 1 reply
👽 Paul Webb Hmm, that's a good point. I just wish there was a better interface for quickly switching between groups.
7y, 2w reply
😀 Tom I'm not sure about the rest, but I've also thought that some customization (maybe not as extreme as Myspace) would be great.
7y, 2w 1 reply
👽 Paul Webb Yeah, there'd have to be better constraints for customization than MySpace.
7y, 2w reply