8y, 39w Miha @miha
Python dev, ML enthusiast, anime fan, random string generator
Miha Going back to my esports story, I helped this guy out months ago by writing a Batch script for him to automate some request, even though I didn't know much about Batch. Anyway, the script worked. I also gave him an alternative solution to his problem. He thanked me, then deleted his posts asking for help. I wondered what was up with that ... Present day, the guy indicated in another post that he still didn't figure out how to automate his task, even though I solved the problem for him, and he apparently needed a solution badly. I just don't know anymore ...
8y, 36w reply ¬
Miha I'm also shocked I can't delete a post on Sublevel on Palemoon Browser (the only sane browser still in existence).
8y, 36w 1 reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin I'm shocked a browser with that name even exists.
8y, 32w reply
Miha 'm honestly shocked by how little clue esports producers have about video technology - the very thing they are producing!
8y, 36w reply ¬
Miha preview.tinyurl.co... Typography is just one facet of usability, and I'm disturbed by the fact that this is where supposedly design-conscious people are breaking new ground. I still remember back in my freshman year, the lecturer for our UI class presented us a webpage designed as if it were a Qt desktop application. Naturally, my peers cringed at the thought of the whole internet looking like that. A person even protested and said it "looked ugly." But it made me wonder. Desktop design of 90s was based on peer studies, not whimsical artistic moods, which basically killed any sort of uniformity in user interfaces.
8y, 38w 1 reply ¬
Martijn I like uniformity a lot. Big promoter of Apple's HIG. On one hand I would love to see something like that for the web. On the other hand, I like how the web is just a canvas within the browser.
8y, 38w reply
Miha Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel will be a three-part movie series. Good stuff, ufotable remakes are the best thing that's happened to the Fate franchise. Perhaps one day they can remake Tsukihime.
8y, 38w reply ¬
😀 Tom Agar.io is addicting. I'm in my mid-20s. If it came out when I was in highschool, I could definitely see myself spending hours/days/weeks on it and trying to get in a clan. It definitely is pointless though.
Miha Too many cheaters already.
8y, 38w reply
Miha I suppose the 640 charlimit is real. If you change the HTML element, the POST request doesn't go through. Along with 1 reply limit, this kind of sucks if you want to make longer replies to one person, as I've just discovered while replying to .
8y, 39w reply ¬
Miha Textarea max length of 640 is Sublevel's character limit ... Or is it?
8y, 39w 1 reply ¬
😀 Tom I don't know that well, but I'm sure he's smart enough to use server-side validation on absolutely everything.
8y, 39w reply
😀 Tom Interesting. Every now and then I wonder how I would do without a cell phone. Now that I've moved to an island, it could be quite feasible for me to give it up, that is after I've learned the streets and how to get around so that I don't need a GPS anymore. May I ask how it works out for you?
Miha I do miss casual photography, aside from that I only ever used it for Twitter, calls, and text messaging. The sacrifice was probably worth it. With my Android smartphone I worried about security and privacy excessively, but that's only because I care about these things. Of course these don't disappear with dumb phones, but they're much less of an issue.
8y, 39w reply
Miha The only way to unblock the pages is to buy out the domain, disable it and pray Wayback Machine didn't delete the archives in time. This is really bad policy.
8y, 39w reply ¬
Miha I didn't know The Wayback Machine blocks access to website snapshots if robots.txt blocks web crawlers. So this old website got shut down, the domain name gets parked by a domain squatter that set the robots.txt to ban all web crawlers. Upon archive request, Wayback Machine checks the domain, reads robots.txt, then effectively blocks you from accessing the snapshots.
8y, 39w 1 reply ¬
😀 Tom That sucks. I should think that the robots.txt shouldn't be retroactive but only apply while it is published.
8y, 39w reply
😀 Tom Hopefully it's interesting and not what you had for lunch or something.
Miha I don't even have a smartphone qq
8y, 39w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin Hello. Please explain the "random string generator" part. How that works?
Miha I usually post a lot of bullshit
8y, 39w 4 replies
Miha Hi folks
🏒 Lucian Marin Hello. Please explain the "random string generator" part. How that works?
8y, 39w 5 replies