Miha Hi folks
🏒 Lucian Marin Hello. Please explain the "random string generator" part. How that works?
8y, 24w 5 replies
Miha I usually post a lot of bullshit
8y, 24w 4 replies
😀 Tom Hopefully it's interesting and not what you had for lunch or something.
8y, 24w 3 replies
Miha I don't even have a smartphone qq
8y, 24w 2 replies
😀 Tom Interesting. Every now and then I wonder how I would do without a cell phone. Now that I've moved to an island, it could be quite feasible for me to give it up, that is after I've learned the streets and how to get around so that I don't need a GPS anymore. May I ask how it works out for you?
8y, 24w 1 reply
Miha I do miss casual photography, aside from that I only ever used it for Twitter, calls, and text messaging. The sacrifice was probably worth it. With my Android smartphone I worried about security and privacy excessively, but that's only because I care about these things. Of course these don't disappear with dumb phones, but they're much less of an issue.
8y, 24w reply
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