Vincent L. How I wish all my communications could be funneled into just one channel: e-mail, chats on different media, even phone calls, etc. All registered in just one app so it stays coherent and I don't have to browse 7 apps when I'm looking for something. It's far more of a legal problem than a technical one, and it's a *shame*.
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. What if people around us use the same communication channel ? I mean if I setup a Mattermost instance and I convince my friends and family to use it (separated by example by differents teams) all communication (text, audio and video) can happen in the same place !
3y, 26w 1 reply
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Vincent L. Assuming you get all colleagues and friends on your Mattermost (good luck with that :p), will you decline friendship with people who only use regular SMS?
3y, 23w reply