John Olinda Our school uses Slack, and the future of Slack is of course something that concerns me. Native, closed apps tend to be so much better though that it is hard to justify using open but clunkier standards. has been a pleasant exception to this though.
Martijn Are schools allowed to use Slack? Re: privacy of students etc. Personally I wouldn't want to use a system that cannot be hosted in-house. I used to work on Moodle at my old high school, and while it was never going to be my favourite system ever at least it ran on their own infrastructure.
8y, 39w 4 replies
John Olinda Yes, we primarily use it for faculty and staff comms, but students have their own separate team. Basically, anyone over 13 is allowed to join but the administrators of the team must be 18. We use it much less for students now that Google Classroom is getting better but it has proven tremendously useful.
8y, 39w 3 replies
Martijn Interesting. I have been thinking about creating tools for use by schools for a while, as I have used several (bad) systems and firmly believe it could be made much easier for staff and students if schools were to bring it into their own infrastructure. Loads of schools have servers and tech staff already, yet give thousands to external companies for running odd tools.
8y, 38w 2 replies
John Olinda Yeah, the other tech guy and myself have cut expenditures by several thousand with some simple changes, but the real dragon that needs slaying is RenWeb. Curse it.
8y, 38w 1 reply
Martijn I am not familiar with RenWeb, but glancing at Wikipedia it doesn't sound like it offers such special features that nothing could replace it.
8y, 38w reply
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