Martijn I'm still waiting for any of these accounts to start posting
Eric They will post some really interesting content, any time now..
Martijn There are a few more, actually. A search for 'escort' on the username, profile_website, and profile_bio fields (after pulling down the list of all users) actually gives me 20 different profiles. Some are flying under the radar! (Also, my latest follower seems to be one. Cool!)
Eric I wonder what the pay is to advertise these types of "services". Do the girls pay a fee? Perhaps the pimp (if they still exist) does it all or it'd be interesting to know what sort of firm runs the accounts lol
Martijn I was thinking of emailing them and ask about their presence on Sublevel. Which is why I pulled down the user list through the API, only way I could think of to find as many of these accounts as possible.
Eric Yeah, Sublevel seems a bit niche to be advertising on. I guess they'll go for anything with an easy sign up / post system? What is amusing is the way they bite back, like that reply to mine from the York Escorts guy (assuming its a bloke doing the poster work).
Martijn They are not posting though. More likely they share the same "SEO" guy, and it happens to be one who figured out Sublevel doesn't put a nofollow on outgoing links. I might send out an email to the ones I can find here on Sublevel this weekend and see if I get some response. Or I might not. All depends on how bored I get.
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Eric Be sure to make a blog post or some shit if you get a good response.
9y, 2d 1 reply
Martijn Doesn't look like I'll be doing anything with it. Most of the sites I've picked at random from the list do not even have publicly stated email addresses. Still going to keep an eye on new members though.
9y, 0d reply