John Olinda Good grief. This is Privacy Badger on ::
Martijn Do you have a reason for using Privacy Badger over something like Adblock Plus? Over at PRISM Break we aren't sure of including it.
9y, 16w 5 replies
Mark Dain AdBlock Plus and Privacy Badger are targeting different problems. That's like saying NoScript can be used to block ads; some ads will be blocked but it'll be more effective to use an ad blocker. Are you involved in PRISM break? That's really cool!
9y, 16w 1 reply
Martijn I am the only official contributor apart from the project owner on GitHub. Mainly our concern was that because Privacy Badger builds its blocklist as you go it can never be as inclusive as an already existing list for ABP (e.g. EasyPrivacy). AdBlock Plus can definitely be used just to block trackers (with things like the aforementioned list). One idea mentioned was to run Privacy Badger for a while and publish whatever it had found as an ABP list for others to subscribe to. PRISM Break is anti-tracking and not anti-advertisements, just doubting the out-of-the-box potential of Privacy Badger vs ABP.
9y, 16w reply
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