🦿 Lucian Marin I created a little Sublevel app for iOS devices using the new WKWebView. It has swipe down to refresh, swipe left to go back, swipe right to go forward. A flawlessly fullscreen Sublevel experience.
Martijn Is there any special reasons to not just add this to the website and get it working for everyone?
9y, 21w 5 replies
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Eric Would mean using JS would it? One of the goals is to use as little as possible I thought. Unless it can be done through CSS hacks (worth an experiment).
9y, 21w 3 replies
Martijn It would be JS. But it would be completely invisible. It would listen for swipes, if no swipes happen then it doesn't do anything. You could leave out the special effects even and just make it about mobile navigation to save bandwidth/speed. The no-JS ship has sailed with the new input box anyway.
9y, 21w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin This kind of swipe... cl.ly/Yj3Z (rendered by iOS). Charging for native apps is part of the future business model.
9y, 21w reply