John Olinda Hmmm... well uninstalled Homebrew to check out Yosemite, the visual changes are surprising to say the least.
Martijn I'm still on the fence. Is it worth the update? I am way too dependent on Mail and Calendar for Yosemite to mess them up.
9y, 27w 5 replies
John Olinda Well, they seem to work fine except for two things. 1) The default mail handler somehow got changed to iTerm (what?) and 2) GPGMail isn't Yosemite compatible.
9y, 27w 3 replies
Martijn Ah, I hadn't checked GPGTools yet. That might be a deal-breaker at least until they launch their beta.
9y, 27w 2 replies
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John Olinda Yeah, the rest of the suite works, but the mail plugin is critical. I would totally pay for it, I just think it is lame that they haven't even started the beta and Yosemite has been available to developers for months now.
9y, 27w 1 reply
Martijn Agreed. I would also pay for it, though I am sad to see it disappear behind a pay-wall. A 'pay what you want' system might make it more accessible. I am considering hosting the binaries myself (in accordance with the GPL licence) so my friends can grab it for free.
9y, 27w reply